Fluz is a great way to take advantage of multiple cash back methods all at once. Don't limit your rewards, maximize the rewards that you earn from FLUZ with other reward programs that you are already engaged in. In this article you will learn about how you earn more by stacking your Fluz rewards with the following:
Credit card rewards and points
Other cash back apps and websites
Coupon sites
Loyalty programs
Credit card rewards and points
Most credit cards offer rewards points for your purchases. When you purchase a gift card from Fluz using your credit card as funding source, you can stack your credit card rewards on top of your Fluz cash back.
Read more details about stacking credit card rewards with Fluz on this link.
Cash back apps and websites
Simply visit their websites, purchase a gift card from Fluz, and copy the gift card code when checking out to complete your payment.
Coupon sites
Coupon sites like RetailMeNot and coupon browser extensions like Honey can also be used to stack Fluz rewards.
For the browser extension Honey, visit any retail site that has a coupon, apply the Honey coupon, and use the Fluz gift card code when checking out.
Retailer loyalty programs
Retailers like Starbucks, Uber and Dunkin have their own apps that allow you to earn points that you can redeem in their stores or thru their respective apps.
Example for Starbucks, simply buy a gift card from Fluz, copy the code and add it as a card in the Starbucks app. Every purchase you make with that card using their app will earn you Stars (points) on top of the cash back you get from Fluz.
Note: Always review the terms and condition of these retail stores to learn more about their rewards program.
Lean more about how to stack your rewards with Fluz here.
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