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How to redeem, check balance, terms & help desk, charity, donate, donation

Mar avatar
Written by Mar
Updated over a week ago

How to Redeem:

Abridged terms and conditions:

  • You will be able to designate your gift card to up to three charities of your choice, from the list of over 1000 charities.

  • CharityChoice Gift Cards are recipient-designated charity gifts: a project of Special Kids Fund (501c3, EIN 58-2550249). Only the original gift-recipient is entitled to designate the charity, which he/she may do at any time.

  • If a card is purchased in order to use to donate to a charity, and not given as a gift; then the card-holder may redeem the card.

  • FEES: The funds are allocated from Special Kids Fund, usually quarterly, to the recipient's designated charity; deducting $0.50 per card [for cards $2 and up]+ 3% credit card processing and 5% administrative fee (used towards the management of this nonprofit fundraising program, and towards the mission to benefit special needs children). CharityChoice send allocations to charities following each quarter in one bulk check (usually within 4-6 weeks after the closing date), for all designations made during the past quarter.
    Note: Occasionally, a larger than 5% administrative fee may be required; depending upon how the card is purchased and the costs involved, e.g., affiliate marketing.
    REWARDS PROGRAMS: 10% total fee deducted for cards ordered through rewards programs (includes all fees and program expenses). In some situations, marketing costs warrant an adjustment in the fee structure.
    Please note that, unlike for-profit websites and charity portals, CharityChoice is run by a charitable organization with a distinct cause and mission, providing for special needs children.

  • Not redeemable for:

    • If you are sending a Charity Gift Certificate to someone who doesn't use the Internet, you may suggest a friend or relative that can assist them in the designation.

  • Locations:

Merchant Help:

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